Two free printables in the same day? Could this really be? Lol you better believe it!
I am so excited for winter & all the holiday/winter planner kits that come with it. I have already started to see a ton of beautiful holiday kits going around & OMG! The temptation is real. I am going to try my best to create some worthy kits for the upcoming season. & I honestly think this one is a great start.
Blessed are those who have white winters. I know if you live through it you probably don't think so half of the time. But as a Floridian who has never seen snow I live vicariously through you & through these beautiful snow filled kits. 💙
Enjoy & Happy Planning.
Remember this kit is for personal use only. Files cannot be resold, modified or used commercially.
If you would like to share these printables or images on social media please link directly to this printable page, not to the printable file itself and provide a full credit link. @planneronelove & #planneronelove
If you post it on instagram please tag me. I would love to see how you used this kit. & if you have any issues downloading or printing the kits lmk in the comments.
If you would like to share these printables or images on social media please link directly to this printable page, not to the printable file itself and provide a full credit link. @planneronelove & #planneronelove
If you post it on instagram please tag me. I would love to see how you used this kit. & if you have any issues downloading or printing the kits lmk in the comments.
Description: Snow filled winter kit with green, shades of browns & greys.
- 10 Full Boxes
- 5 Half Boxes
- 7 Heart Checklist, 7 Full Heart Checkboxes & 8 Mini Heart Checklist
- 1 Weekend Banner
- 24 Headers (Including 7 To Do's, 7 Today's, 1 This Week, 1 Schedule, 1 Hydrate & 7 blank)
- Various Labels (Including 7 Meals, 3 hearts, 2 celebration, 1 bills, 4 TV's & 7 Reminder Labels)
- 1 Hydrate Full Box
- 4 Habit Trackers
- 12 Flags of various sizes
- 2 Bottom Washi strips sized to fit recollection planner
- 4 Circle Labels
- 5 Quarter Boxes
- 3 Rounded Labels
- Deco: Matching Snow Flakes