Free Aesthetic Vibes Printable With Silhouette Studio Cut File for the EC & Recollections Planner

by - January 09, 2018

Hello lovelies!! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years.
I am so excited to see what 2018 brings. Let's start the year right with a new beautiful freebie. 
My very first printable of 2018.
I am living for this Aesthetic Vibes printable. The blush colors are seriously taking over my life. I have a little bit of blush everywhere. My desk, phone, backpack & even my website all have the color blush. I love the way it looks paired with the white, grey & black. It's so cute & girly. This printable just makes me happy. Something else that brings me happiness... announcing that this printable is going to include a little something extra. If you follow me on Facebook you probably already know. & also by the title of this post.
 It's been highly requested that I included cut files with my printables. &... drum roll please... I have finally gotten around to it!
It has taken me forever to do this because I really didn't want to change the format of my printable. 
1. I'm a little lazy & didn't want to do the work.
2. I really like the set-up of my spreads & enjoy having the extra 2 full boxes I include. 
Also because even though I own a Silhouette Cutter, funny enough I don't actually use it. 😅.
Since I cut my stickers by hand I honestly rather get the most out of my sticker sheets. 

 Unfortunately with the silhouette cutter, anything you try to cut needs to fit within a cut border. This cut border leaves a lot of white space (a lot of wasted space in my opinion). I see all that white space as a potential sticker. But the purpose of my page is to share with you all an easy alternative to buying sticker sheets. If including a cut file helps you, then why not put in a little extra effort to make your planning a little easier. Now redesigning the way my stickers fit within these cut borders means removing a few stickers. It really isn't much so hopefully you wont miss them.
Below you will find my brand new printable in the same format I have been using in my previous work & you will also find it in a new format. One that actually fits within the cut border in the  Silhouette Studio program. So for all of you who are fortunate enough to own a cutter I hope this makes it easier for you to get your stickers cut.
I have created a separate .studio file with the cut lines that fit this printable. My hope is that you will only have to download this file once and that you'll be able to use it for all the new printables to come. If you've notice from my previous printables. They all pretty much follow the same set-up so you should be able add these cut lines over any new printable I create & cut your stickers.
I will include a link to a post titled Planneronelove .Studio Cut File where you can find instructions on how to use the cut file to cut your stickers.
You can also find that post under - (studio cut file) within the printables tab on my main page.

Click here for PDF (OLD Format)                                                   Click here for PDF (NEW Format) 

Remember this kit is for personal use only. Files cannot be resold, modified or used commercially.
If you would like to share these printables or images on social media please link directly to this printable page, not to the printable file itself and provide a full credit link. @planneronelove & #planneronelove
If you post it on instagram please tag me. I would love to see how you used this kit. & if you have any issues downloading or printing the kits lmk in the comments.

Click here for PDF (OLD Format)                                                   Click here for PDF (NEW Format) 

Description: Aesthetically pleasing Pink/Blush kit with grey, black & white. Girly tumblr inspired images.


  • 10 Full Boxes (8 in new format)
  • 7 Half Boxes (8 in new format)
  • 8 Heart Checklist, 7 Full Heart Checkboxes & 8 Mini Heart Checklist (7,7 & 8 in new format)
  • 1 Weekend Banner
  • 24 Headers (Including 7 To Do's, 7 Today's, 1 This Week, 1 Schedule, 1 Hydrate & 7 blank)
  • Various Labels (Including 7 Meals, 3 hearts, 2 celebration, 1 bills, 4 TV's & 7 Reminder Labels)
  • 1 Hydrate Full Box
  • 2 Habit Trackers
  • 13 Flags of various sizes (12 in new format)
  • 2 Bottom Washi strips sized to fit recollection planner
  • 2 solid thin washi strips (none in new format)
  • 4 Circle Labels (3 in new format)
  • 5 Quarter Boxes
  • 4 Rounded Labels (3 in new format)
  • Deco: Hearts & XO clipart (none in new format)

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  1. Yes! I can't wait to print and cut this kit. So glad you decided to include a separate cut file. Thank you so saved me for kiss cutting.

  2. You are awesome and do fabulous work!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello, where can I download the cut file? This is just the pdf

    1. I found the cut file; however, in Silhouette Studio it does not allow me to add the PDF into the cut file?

    2. Hi. The cut file is already measured and ready to go. You shouldn't have to open the actual printable in the silhouette. Just open the cut file and send it to cut. Your cutter should read the registration marks and cut the stickers according to the cut file

  5. I read the previous comments, but I do use silhouette to print your pdf's and the registration marks are off by a wee bit, so each time i try to just print and use the cut file as recommended it keeps miscutting.
    I know i can just use your old format and use the trace feature that is more work. Any idea why the registration marks are off?

    1. Hi, sorry for the late response. Are they both off? Can you send me a pic via email or instagram direct of how the stickers are cutting?

    2. If it's just a little off you can also try using the jpg images that are above the PDF. Just right click and save. You will be able to open the image in the silhouette studios. The jpg image opens a bit bigger. Adjust the size to 8.5 x 11in, align the registration marks and move the cut lines where ever needed.

  6. Works wonderfully, and is so cute - thanks for sharing!

  7. I'm so glad you guys are loving it. :)

  8. I just love your printables. <3 So wish i had silhouette, but still going with scissors :)


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